Where Will I Find Cockroaches

Cockroaches will infest anywhere from homes, to restaurants and hospitals.

Effective Cockroach Prevention Tips

Cockroaches will infest anywhere from houses, to restaurants and hospitals.

They are very adept at surviving on a wide range of food sources and will find harbourage in any location as they are able to move around through very small gaps.

Cockroaches can be described as one of nature’s best hitchhikers. Cockroaches and their eggs can gain access to a building by riding in deliveries, or in furniture or other items brought into the building. Some species of cockroach will even invade from sewers or drains.

Cockroach faecal material contains a pheromone that tells other cockroaches that the area is a good place to harbour. Large numbers of cockroaches may gather in areas where faecal material has accumulated. These areas are called aggregation points.

Book a Vergo cockroach exterminator today to prevent any potential health hazards within your home or business.

Our qualified team of technicians are all professionally trained and certified to be able to provide you with solutions that will solve your cockroach problem as quickly and efficiently as possible. Vergo is a certified BPCA member, offering the British Standard for Pest Management.

Do you have a problem with Cockroaches?

If so, then contact us today and arrange a visit from one of our expert pest control technicians.

For a free quote CALL TODAY 0344 335 0330

(Open 7 days a week)

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Over 45 Years Experience

Vergo Pest Management Ltd has over 45 years industry experience, offering both commercial and residential customers fast and effective pest control services banishing public health pests.

Delivering a Quality Service

Our mission is to deliver pest-free, safe and clean environments for customers on a consistent and quality basis.

Fully Trained Professionals

Vergo technicians are fully trained pest professionals, experienced and knowledgeable in dealing with all manner of public health pests.

Safe & Certified

Safety first, is always our motto at Vergo and we hold various safety accreditations to support this. Vergo are proud members of The British Pest Control Association.